Intuitive Eating

My Approach

My approach is certainly not to prescribe a new diet which will make you lose weight and then put it all back on again. Rather I want to offer an approach structured around the physiological, the emotional and the sensorial, which will help you find your natural weight. A didactic approach combined with exercises where chosen diet rules are replaced by internal cues.

It is intuitive eating which means learning again to eat naturally and with pleasure - just like a newborn baby who cries when it is hungry and turns its head away when they have had enough to eat. This is a liberating experience which may make you lose will all depend on your natural weight, your set point.

The primary objective of the program is not to lose weight

The approach is about sharing with kindness and without judgement. I will guide you to find a solution to your problem, helping you taste your preferred foods mindfully, to wake up the gourmet in you, to be at one with yourself.

This approach will help you to:

Learn to listen and respect your internal cues (hunger/satiety cues) often affected by cognitive restraint

Reach your set point (natural weight)

Make peace with food

Recognize whether your need to eat is physiological or emotional

Accept to eat your comfort foods without guilt

Learn to live with your emotions without always trying to avoid them by eating

To learn to live with your yourself and your body image

Change to Intuitive Eating...

Change to Intuitive Eating...

This approach will help you to:

Learn to listen and respect your internal cues (hunger/satiety cues) often affected by cognitive restraint

Reach your set point (natural weight)

Make peace with food

Recognize whether your need to eat is physiological or emotional

Accept to eat your comfort foods without guilt

Learn to live with your emotions without always trying to avoid them by eating

To learn to live with your yourself and your body image